
Natural Asset Identification

Learn more about our Natural Asset Identification solutions, where we harness the power of drone technology to capture valuable information about the natural features and characteristics of a specific area of land.

Drone-Powered Natural Asset Identification for Enhanced Insights

Natural Asset Identification plays a crucial role in understanding and conserving our natural environment.

With our fleet of high-performance commercial drones, specialised sensors, and superior analytical capabilities — we can provide you with a deep understanding of the biodiversity, ecosystem health, and natural resource distribution of any specific area.


Natural Environments

Sugar Gliders

Experience Summary

A forestry company required a count of sugar gliders within a plantation to minimise impact of forestry operations.

What we did

  • Night missions were conducted using thermal to count sugar gliders.
  • Information was collected and analysed.

What is Natural Asset Identification?

Natural Asset Identification is the process of identifying and mapping natural assets such as biodiversity hotspots, ecosystems, habitats, and natural resources.

It involves aerial surveying and data collection with unmanned aerial vehicles (AUVs) to gather accurate and detailed information about the natural features and characteristics of the surveyed area.

This information is crucial for environmental management, conservation efforts, land planning, and decision-making related to the sustainable use and preservation of natural assets.

Advantages of Natural Asset Identification with Drones

  • Accurate Identification: Drones equipped with sensors and imaging technology provides identification and accurate mapping of natural assets such as vegetation, water bodies, and other unique land features. High-resolution data captured from different angles ensures precise identification and detailed visualisation of these natural assets.
  • Remote Accessibility: Drones can access remote and hard-to-reach locations, enabling the identification and assessment of natural assets in areas that are challenging to access.
  • Enhanced Safety: By using drones, the need for human involvement in hazardous or difficult terrains is minimised, ensuring the safety of personnel.
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Drones capture a variety of different types of data, allowing for detailed analysis of natural assets. This data can be used for mapping, monitoring changes over time, and conducting thorough assessments of natural assets.
  • Data Visualisation and Analysis: Drone-captured data can be processed and analysed to provide valuable insights, facilitating informed decision-making for natural asset management and conservation.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Drone-based natural asset identification eliminates the need for manual surveys and reduces the time and cost associated with traditional methods. Drones can cover large areas efficiently and provide rapid data acquisition.

Accurate and Comprehensive Data Collection for Natural Asset Identification

Our advanced aerial surveying capabilities enable us to provide you with a comprehensive suite of accurate data that allows you to gain extremely valuable insights from the surveyed area.

This includes:

  • Vegetation Insights: We capture detailed information about vegetation cover, health, and species distribution using high-resolution aerial imagery. This data helps in assessing ecosystem health and identifying biodiversity hotspots.
  • Land cover Insights: Through aerial surveys, we map and classify different land cover types, such as forests, wetlands, grasslands, and agricultural areas. This information is crucial for effective land management practices, conservation planning, and habitat assessment.
  • Topographic Data: Our drones generate precise topographic maps, providing elevation profiles, contours, and terrain characteristics. This data aids in understanding the topography of the surveyed area, including slopes, drainage patterns, and landform analysis.
  • Biodiversity Analysis: We collect data on wildlife populations, species richness, and habitat suitability using aerial surveys and sensors. This information contributes to biodiversity monitoring, conservation planning, and habitat management.
  • Water Resource Analysis: Our drones gather information about water quality, shoreline erosion, and aquatic vegetation density in water bodies. This data assists in monitoring water resources, identifying pollution sources, and managing aquatic ecosystems.
  • Environmental Data: We utilise environmental sensors to measure parameters such as air quality, temperature, humidity, and light intensity. This data provides insights into the environmental conditions influencing natural assets and supports environmental impact assessments.
  • Ecological Data: Our surveys enable efficient and non-invasive data collection on wildlife behaviour, nesting sites, and breeding habitats. This information contributes to wildlife management, ecological research, and species conservation efforts.

Our natural asset inspection solutions ensure the efficient capture, processing, and analysis of these different types of data, enabling you to harness the full potential of the data that is collected during our flights.

Data Processing, Analysis, Visualisation and Reporting

Our expertise in natural asset identification and analysis extends beyond accurate data collection.

We provide comprehensive data processing, analysis, visualization, and reporting services to transform raw data into actionable insights.

To further enhance your understanding of the processed data, we provide expert consultations and a variety of different visualisation materials that include topographic maps, realistic 3D models, informative heat maps, and more.

Working Drones Australia: Experts in Natural Asset Identification

At Working Drones Australia, we are able to achieve precise identification and assessment of natural assets using state-of-the-art drone technology.

Our skilled team of certified drone pilots excel in navigating challenging terrains and capturing precise aerial data in remote locations.

Our extensive experience and expertise in conservation, ecological management, and sustainable resource planning has made us as a trusted partner for clients in a wide range of sectors, including:

  • Government & Community
  • Civil & Infrastructure
  • Energy & Resources
  • Emergency Services
  • Natural Resources & Environment

Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements for natural asset identification, and discover how our tailored solutions can help you achieve your project objectives.