
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Learn more about the remarkable accuracy and subsurface mapping capabilities of our UAVs equipped with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology. 

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) sensor technology delivers accurate and detailed information about buried objects, underground structures, and geological features.

Our drones equipped with GPR sensors provide precise subsurface data and comprehensive insights for a wide range of applications.

Why Us?

As industry leaders in aerial surveying and GPR technology, we deliver outstanding results for clients across various sectors.

Contact us today to discuss your unique project requirements and explore how our GPR solutions can help you achieve your project objectives.

How Does Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Technology Work?

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method used to explore subsurface environments without causing damage or disturbance to the surface.

It employs radar equipment that emits high-frequency electromagnetic signals into the ground.

As these signals encounter different materials or underground objects, they undergo reflection or refraction.

The GPR system’s antenna detects the signals that bounce back to the surface, capturing valuable information and data about the subsurface composition and structures.


Drones equipped with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) offer several advantages for data collection and aerial mapping that includes:

Non-Destructive and Efficient Data Collection: With GPR technology, aerial surveys can be conducted without causing any disturbance to the ground or surrounding infrastructure. The non-destructive nature of GPR allows for efficient data acquisition over large areas in a shorter time, optimising survey efforts and reducing project timelines.

Accurate Data Collection: GPR systems use advanced radar technology to capture precise information about subsurface features and structures. By emitting electromagnetic waves into the ground and analyzing the reflected signals, GPR technology provides detailed insights into the composition, depth, and spatial distribution of underground objects.

Versatility and Accessibility: UAVs equipped with GPR can access challenging or inaccessible terrain, such as rugged landscapes, dense vegetation, or restricted areas. This flexibility allows for aerial data collection in a diverse range of environments.

Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to traditional ground-based surveying methods, UAVs with GPR capabilities offer a cost-effective solution for subsurface mapping and data collection. It eliminates the need for manual labor and expensive equipment, reducing operational costs while maintaining reliable and accurate results.

Safety and Reduced Risks: Utilising UAVs for GPR aerial surveys enhances safety by reducing risks to personnel. Instead of physically having to access hazardous or challenging areas, the UAV can capture subsurface data remotely, ensuring the well-being of surveyors and reducing the potential for accidents or injuries.

Data Integration and Analysis: The data collected through GPR can be easily integrated with other geospatial data, such as aerial imagery or topographic maps. This enables in-depth analysis, detailed visualisation, and accurate reporting of subsurface conditions. 

Use Cases and Applications

Built Environments
  • Construction Quality Assurance: GPR is used to assess the quality and integrity of newly constructed structures by detecting voids, delamination, or honeycombing within concrete. Ensuring the structural soundness of buildings.
  • Utility Detection: GPR helps locate buried utility lines, such as electrical cables or water pipes, before excavation or construction activities. Preventing accidental damage and maintaining worker safety.
  • Historical Site Mapping: GPR enables the non-invasive mapping and identification of buried archaeological features. Providing valuable insights into historical sites without the need for extensive excavation.
  • Bridge and Road Inspection: GPR is employed to assess the condition of bridge decks and road surfaces by detecting subsurface defects, such as delamination, corrosion, or voids. Allowing for timely repairs and effective maintenance planning.
  • Tunnel and Subway Mapping: GPR assists in mapping the subsurface conditions along tunnel routes, identifying potential hazards, and detecting voids or water ingress. Ensuring the safety and stability of underground transportation systems.
  • Utility Mapping and Management: GPR is used to locate and map underground utilities, including gas pipelines, water mains, and communication cables. Helping utilities and infrastructure providers manage and maintain their networks effectively.
Resources and Energy
  • Mineral Exploration: GPR is used in mineral exploration to detect ore bodies, map geological structures, and identify potential deposits. Assisting in efficient resource extraction and mining operations.
  • Groundwater Assessment: GPR helps assess groundwater resources by mapping subsurface layers and detecting water table levels. Aiding in sustainable water management and well siting decisions.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: GPR enables the assessment of subsurface conditions before energy infrastructure development, such as wind farms or solar installations. Ensuring minimal disruption to the natural environment and sensitive habitats.
Natural Environments
  • Geotechnical Investigations: GPR assists in geotechnical investigations by mapping subsurface soil layers, detecting voids, and assessing slope stability. Providing valuable information for infrastructure development and environmental planning.
  • Wetland Studies: GPR can help map wetland boundaries, determine soil moisture content, and study subsurface hydrology. Contributing to wetland conservation and restoration efforts.
  • Coastal Erosion Monitoring: GPR helps monitor and map coastal erosion by studying subsurface sediment layers and tracking changes in beach profiles. Supporting coastal management and protection initiatives.
Government and Communities 
  • Urban Infrastructure Planning: GPR aids in mapping subsurface conditions for urban planning, including identifying suitable locations for infrastructure development, assessing soil conditions, and detecting potential hazards.
  • Disaster Assessment and Recovery: GPR is used in post-disaster scenarios to assess the structural integrity of buildings, locate survivors, and detect voids or hidden hazards in search and rescue operations.
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation: GPR assists in non-destructive mapping and identification of buried artefacts, ancient structures, or historical features. Contributing to cultural heritage preservation and conservation efforts.

GPR Data Processing, Analysis and Visualisation

To maximise the value of your ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, we offer advanced GPR data processing solutions that transform raw data into actionable insights.

We clean and enhance the data, integrate it with other geospatial datasets for precise mapping and correlation, and provide detailed visualisation materials that include 2D profiles, 3D models, and cross-sectional views.

With our comprehensive data processing, analysis and visualisation services, you gain meaningful insights and expert recommendations to achieve your desired outcome.